Mt. Kenya Hikes and Climbs

3 Day 
Mt. Kenya Safari

This trip is designed for those who have only a little time and are willing to reach the third highest peak on Mt. Kenya – Point Lenana. Considered a challenging ascent it is a non-technical hike which can be completed by most healthy individuals.

Day 1
Morning drive from Nairobi to Naromoru for lunch. After lunch, drive to Naromoru Park gate and hike to Met Station where we spend the night in log cabins (3050 m). A short evening hike allows the participant to acclimatize to the elevation.

Day 2
Hike up to Teleki Valley where there is a spectacular view of Mt. Kenya’s main peaks. Hiking time is approximately 5-6 hours. Overnight at Mackinder’s Camp (4150 m).

Day 3
A pre-dawn start to ensure the summit, Point Lenana, is reached in time for a clear view of Mt. Kenya’s majestic surroundings. The trip continues down the mountain to base camp and then continues down the mountain and on to Naromoru or Nairobi.

4 Day 
Mt. Kenya Safari

This follows the same itinerary of the 3-day safari described above but allows for better acclimatization and more of an opportunity to explore the flora and fauna of the Teleki Valley with the extra day built into the package.

5 Day 
Circumnavigation of Mt. Kenya

Day 1
After sorting equipment for the trek, you have the choice of either hiking up from the park gate to Met Station (10km) or being driven to straight to Met Station. A light hike takes participants around the densely vegetative zone and the night is spent in log cabins.

Day 2
Hike up from Met Station into the Teleki Valley to gaze at the spectacular peaks of Mt. Kenya. You overnight at Mackinder’s camp.

Day 3
After breakfast, we begin to circumnavigate the main peaks by heading north. The traverse takes us below the south-west face on our approach to Two Tarn Valley, then across the western terminal and into Hausberg Valley. Finally, we hike over the Hausberg Col and into Mackinder’s Valley (approximately 5 hours.)

Day 4
We ascend to Pt. Lenana (4985 m), the third highest peak on the mountain, via the north face, a trail that is rarely used by tourists. Four hours of tough hiking gets us to the summit. The descent takes us back to Teleki Valley from the opposite side of the start, where we rest overnight at Mackinder’s Camp.

Day 5
Hikers descend to Met Station, then to Naromoru and, finally, to Nairobi.

5 Day 
Sirimon-Chogoria Trek

Day 1
Depart Nairobi and head to Nanyuki for an overnight stay at Sportsman Arms Hotel.

Day 2
Transfer from Nanyuki to Sirimon Gate (2619m), where participants begin the 9km trek to Old Moses Camp (3300m) through the mountain rainforest. This is an overnight stay.

Day 3
An early start after breakfast takes hikers to Shipton’s Camp via Mackinders Valley, one of the broadest valleys on the mountain. Here participants camp overnight in the shadows of Mt. Kenya’s main peaks, Batian and Nelion.

Day 4
Alpine ascent to the third highest peak, Pt. Lenana (4985m) via the little-used, northern side of the mountain. This is a steady, 4-hour hike to the summit followed by the descent, via Mintos, to Meru Bandas (3020m) for a good night’s rest. Total hiking time is approximately 10 hours.

Day 5
Drive down to Chogoria town with a 4X4 Land Rover and then transfer to Nairobi.

4 Nights 5 Days 
Naromoru-Sirimon Trek

This is a more leisurely-paced trek up Mt. Kenya which allows climbers to better acclimatize to higher altitudes before reaching the highest part, Point Lenana (4985m).

Day 1
Pick up from Nairobi and drive to Met Station (4-5 hours) along the Naromuru track. Overnight in log cabins where hikers have the opportunity to acclimatize.

Day 2
Hike up the Teleki Valley to Mackinder’s Camp, where the spectacular peaks of Bation and Nelion can be seen. The hike takes about 5-6 hours with a lunch break in between.

Day 3
After an early morning breakfast, the day’s hikes takes participants around the main peaks, starting with the north approach. One traverse takes hikers below the south and west face of the mountain, past Two Tarn Huts and then across the western terminal into Mackinder’s Valley  (4200m). This is a 5 hour hike and the night is spent in high altitudes tents.

Day 4
Ascent of Point Lenana (4895), via the north face of Mt. Kenya, takes about 4 hours of aggressive hiking. The descent leads hikers back to camp for a healthy breakfast followed by a hike to Old Moses Camp for the night.

Day 5
After breakfast, participants walk through the rain forest to the Sirimon Gate to be transferred back to Nanyuki town.

6 Days 5 Nights 
Best of Mt. Kenya Trek

This trek offers the best views of the main peaks at an enjoyable, leisurely pace. The mountain is traversed with ascent along the Sirimon Track and descent along the Chogoria Track. The splendor of Timau and Chogoria areas are experienced in this trek.

Day 1
After equipment is sorted and packed, hikers are driven to Sirimon Gate. An easy 3-hour walk to Old Moses Camp (3300m) will help participants acclimatize to conditions and elevation. The night is spent in high altitude tents.

Day 2
After breakfast, hikers trek up the moorland and break away from the Sirimon track into the Sirimon Valley (3900m). This is a more lightly used trail containing a tremendous variety of wildlife. Overnight in Sirimon Valley (3964m).

Day 3
Today there is an early morning start of the valley and into Hide Valley. Hikers continue through the Nithi and Gorges Valleys, undoubtedly the most scenic areas of the mountain, boasting steep, vertical cliffs and beautifully cascading waterfalls. The night is spent at Hall Tarn-Mintos (4200m).

Day 4
Four hours of strenuous hiking leads hikers up to Mt. Kenya’s third highest peak, Pt. Lenana (4985m). The route takes participants up the north face which is rarely used. The descent leads back to Mintos, via Austrian Hut, Tooth Peak, Square Tarn and then back to camp.

Day 5
Descend to Mt. Kenya Meru Lodge and overnight at Banda’s, where hikers can rest and enjoy a hot shower. (3020m)

Day 6
A 2-3 hour drive down through the rain forest ends at Chogoria town for transfer to Nairobi.

8 Days 9 Nights 
Sirimon-Naromoru Traverse

Day 1
Transfer from Nairobi to Nanyuki Sportsmans Arm Hotel

Day 2
Transfer from Nanyuki to Sirimon Gate (2619m), followed by a 9 km (approx. 3 hrs)  trek through the rainforest to Old Moses Camp (3300m) for an overnight stay at Bandas.

Day 3
Ascend the Sirimon track to Likii North Valley and camp overnight in the valley of the subsidiary peaks of Sendeyo and Teleki. (3993m).

Day 4
Today, hikers climb out of the North Valley and into Mackinder’s Valley. This is one of the widest valleys of the mountain. Camp at Mackinder’s Camp and view the giant groundsel that inhabit the area located just below the main peaks, Batian and Nelion (4200m).

Day 5
This rest day allows hikers acclimatize to the altitude and to explore the surrounding camp area.

Day 6
This day takes participants up to the third highest peak, Pt. Lenana (4985m) via the north face which is sparingly used by tourists. Four hours of rigorous hiking culminates at this summit. The day’s descent ends at Mackinders for an overnight in log cabins (4200m)

Day 7
After a hearty breakfast, hikers descend to Met Station and overnight in log cabins (3050m).

Day 8
After breakfast, hikers head down through the Naromoru forest to the park gate where a vehicle will transport participants to the Nanyuki Hotel.

7 Days 8 Nights 
Mt. Kenya Traverse via Chogoria-Sirimon Trek

Day 1
Drive from Nairobi to Nanyuki and overnight.

Day 2
After a hearty breakfast, participants are driven through Timau Meru to Chogoria and then to Mt. Kenya Meru Lodge to overnight in high altitude tents.

Day 3
After breakfast, hikers trek for 4-5 hours to Lake Ellis (3500m). Lunch is served along the way and the night is spent at Lake Ellis.

Day 4
Today’s trek takes hikers along Gorges Valley, descending to Lake Michaelson and stopping for lunch at Vivienne Falls. The return trip takes participants through the magnificent castle rocks to Mintos for an overnight stay (4200m).

Day 5
Hikers wind their way through Square Tarn en route to Pt. Lenana (4985m). This 6-hour hike descends back to Shipton’s for an overnight stay (4200m).

Day 6
Today’s descent continues along the Sirimon route arriving at Old Moses Camp where participants overnight (3300m).

Day 7
After a healthy breakfast, hikers head through the Sirimon forest to the park gate, where a vehicle waits to transport them to Nanyuki.

Day 8
After breakfast, participants are transferred back to Nairobi.